var cookies =, function(val, key) { return key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val);
}).join("; "); rest.get("", { headers: { Cookie: cookies, "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).on("complete", function(data) { return console.log(data); });
This example uses the popular Restler library, but I assume you could do something similar with other libraries or without using a library.
CAUTION: I'm using encodeURIComponent on the cookie value. Ruby on Rails seems to expect their cookies to be encoded like this. On the other hand, I've looked throw a few Node.js libraries that deal with cookies and they don't seem to manipulate the value at all. So you can play with adding or removing encodeURIComponent.
If you start to get errors when making the REST request, be sure to check the cookie encoding/format versus what Firebug sends on a normal request to the site. Pay particular attention to any special characters.